Wednesday, February 5, 2014

15th Annual Conference of APLESA, April 7 - 11, 2014, Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka, ZAMBIA

We are very pleased to announce that the 2014 Association of Parliamentary Libraries of Eastern and Southern Africa (APLESA) annual conference and meeting will be hosted by the National Assembly of Zambia at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Lusaka from 7-11 April 2014.

The conference will unite parliamentary library and information professionals and other interested parties from across the Southern and Eastern regions of Africa with the objective of promoting co‐operation, communication, networking, resource sharing and capacity building among APLESA member Parliaments. From this unique intersection, new ideas and relationships are expected to emerge from the conference.

Held under the theme “Legislative information and Parliamentary Libraries: pursuing frontiers of knowledge”, the conference will widen discussions from previous interactions and consolidate current thinking in order to plant seeds for the future. With the gathering expected to be a stimulating week of presentations, interactive sessions and discussions aimed at addressing issues and challenges related to legislative information, and library and information services, everyone will have the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge, network with colleagues, and learn about new and innovative ways.

We look forward to a great conference and welcome you to Zambia.

Ms. Chama M. Mfula
Chief Librarian
P.O Box 31299
Lusaka, Zambia
Fax: (+260) 211-292252
Tel: (+260) 211-292425 – 36/ 292929
Mobile: +260-977-117972

Other contacts include:

1. Mrs M Suuya
Deputy Chief Librarian
Mobile: +260-955/977-829666

2. Mr Peter K.Moatswi
Secretary General, APLESA
Tel: (+267) 3705502 / 3616800
Mobile: (+267) 72246680

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