Are you a library and information services (LIS) professional residing in any of the SCECSAL region countries? Are you planning to attend the SCECSAL conference in 2020?
The SCECSAL Secretariat in collaboration with the Namibia Information Workers Association will organize courses for LIS professionals attending the XXIVth SCECSAL conference in Windhoek, Namibia, 20-24 April 2020.
The following six courses have been proposed. Which one would you participate in?
- Course 1: LibraryThing and the application of mobile technology in library services
- Course 2: Marketing Libraries
- Course 3: Facilitating Multi-stakeholder Processes (i.e. Group Meetings and Events)
- Course 4: Mobile Apps for Librarians
- Course 5: Social media: managing your library’s account in the 21st century
- Course 6: Social Media for the Libraries: Twitter, Blogs and Instagram
Make it known at: SCECSAL 2020 Training Courses